Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ryan's morning coffee

Ryan brought Chris this tiny coffee cup and asked for coffee. Suprisingly Chris gave him some, that's what Dad's are for, tossing kids and giving them something to give them more energy:) Ryan loved it!
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Brave Girl

Ari caught a baby lizard at the pool. I am so proud of my little girl! She was so brave and gentle with the lizard. She got bored with it pretty quick but Ryan spent most of the rest of the time at the pool with the lizard.
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Water Gymnastics

Ari loves for Daddy to go to the pool with us. He tosses her around like a rag doll and she loves every minute of it!
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First Sleepover

Ari will tell you that her best friend is Daniella. She will also tell you that she has been friends with Daniella since she was a baby and that Daniella is one day younger than Ari. These girls are more like sisters than just friends. They love spending time together and can get to each other just like a sibling. The girls have been begging Steph and I to do a sleepover for sometime now. They are young for this type of thing but both of them are so comfortable with the other's family that we decided to give it a try. The girls had a blast. I wish I would have gotten a picture of them sleeping on the floor of Arianna's room! Oh Well! I thought I got pics of them together but none of them turned out. This picture was how they both were most of the time together.
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Fourth of July Campout

To celebrate our country's birthday, we had a campout with some of our friends. The kids had a great time setting up the tents, eating watermelon, roasting mashmellows and watching frieworks. We didn't end up getting to sleep in the tents because of a bad storm but we still had a great time together!

Treasure in our Backyard

Look what we discovered in our backyard...2 apple trees and a pear tree. The kids were very excited about their discovery and spent quite a bit of time collecting fruit from the ground and off the trees. Ryan even ate some of an apple...too hard for Ari and I but Ryan enjoyed it. In reality the fruit isn't really ready to harvest for about another month. Have I told you how much I love our new house!!!!
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Ryan's New Accomplishment

In the last month Ryan has learned to peddle a bike. He is so proud of his new accomplistment. (Yes he is in pajamas and yes it is a girl's basket on the front. I couldn't find a boy's basket and the kids love to put things in their basket.) Anyhoo, Ryan loves to ride his bike now!
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Monday, July 7, 2008

My Hero

My Grandaddy died today. He was an amazing man. Almost all of my favorite childhood memories involve him. He was always my safe place when I was a child. My parents divorced when I was young but my Grandaddy was safety among the chaos. Some of my favorite memories with him are in his truck on the seat next to him with my arm around him listening to Elvira. We would go fishing in the john boat often. He tied me to the seat so I wouldn't fall in. When I lived in Florida with my Mom, he drove down from NC to pick me up so that he could see me. He taught me about the love of a father and closely influenced my view of a loving and caring God. He was a kind and gentle man! I miss him so much already and regret that I won't be able to see his loving smile and that I only have memories of him to share with my kids. I wish that they could have gone fishing with him.