Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Field Trip to Krispy Kreme

Today we went with a group of homeschoolers to take a tour of the yummy Krispy Kreme Donut Store. We saw how the donuts were made and even had a chance to decorate our own with chocoloate and fall sprinkles.
Above Arianna is decorating her donut. The best part about the field trip were the free yummy donuts!
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Laptop Dreams

Ryan came to me the other day and told me he wanted a laptop. I couldn't undestand why he would want a laptop. So I kept getting him to repeat what he was saying in the hopes of understanding why he wanted a laptop. Arianna finally interpretted for him and told me he wanted a Pop Tart not a laptop. Shewww, that is a much more reasonable request.
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Porcupine Hair

Ryan has been trying to grow his hair out so that it is like Zach's (below). Above is Ryan's before picture. Ryan doesn't realize that his straight hair will not likely grow to look like his adorable curly haired friend Zach. But Ryan's hair is still adorable just like it is none the less.
Ryan loves for us to spike his hair after bath. He calls it his porcupine hair. Below is his longer hair spiked up in a style that is all his own.

Relaxing Scrapbooking Weekend

I went on a wonderful getaway this weekend. It was on Lake Gaston. Who can beat this...
Hot tub
Beautiful lake
Beautiful fall colors
Sleeping In
I worked on an album of our Disney Trip. I got 67 pages done.
These are the girls who went on the retreat.
Here is the driveway leading to the beach house.

Below is the back of the beach house and above is the view from the beach house.
If you are interested in a scrapbooking retreat...check out more info at CropCircles Meet-Up Group