One of my new years resolutions/goals is to finish what I start. I want to do everything and tend to try to. I am realizing that I have to be more picky about what I choose to do. Which I started out the new year thinking hard about what I decide to do.
But now I am trying to decide what to do about those things that I thought would be great but turn out to not be so great. I feel bad about stopping doing something that I planned to do but realized that it is not as good as I hoped. Do I keep doing it because that is my goal or do I decide to stop??
Hmmm!! I wish that God would put a big check mark on those things that myself and my family needs to do and a big red X on those things that are not what is best. That would make my decisions so much easier.
Truth be told, I am grateful to have to make the choice of good, better and best. Sure beats sitting around being bored with nothing to do:)