Friday, September 12, 2008

Friends Fruit Salad--Yummy, Yummy

We are continuing to talk about friendship and cooperation in school. A friend joined us on Wednesday for school. We read Emily's Sharing and Caring Book. We talked about how we can care for our friends.

Everyone was asked to bring a fruit to school. Before school, we went to the grocery store to choose each of our fruits. It was a hard choice for them. Ryan said he wanted grapes but chose strawberries. Ari chose grapes and then thought about blueberries and then finally settled on a watermelon. I chose a Kiwi and avocado. Speight brought mandarin oranges. In school, each child talked about what fruit they chose. We talked about the color and how each fruit felt. We smelled the fruit and looked at where their seeds were located. We discussed some of their similarities and their differences. Then we cut each one up and put it in a bowl. We mixed our different fruits and shared a yummy fruit salad. I didn't include the avocado because I had no idea how to cut it and it didn't seem to fit into the mix:)

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